Sunday, December 28, 2014

Back home and waiting to leave

Coming home to family feels good only on the day of arrival.

After that, it feels like being in a cage.

I have realized that solitude and contemplation is what the soul needs.

Do not return back.

Once here, all that I desire is to leave.

Its strange, but true. Do not come back here.

It feels like a life I stopped living a long time back. I am no longer the same person.

Yet I feel compassion. But I cannot be here.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Peace of God

The transition from insanity to sanity lies merely in the acknowledgement of truth.

God alone is the only reality. All else is mere appearance.

Accept the existence of God and all sanity and peace will be your forever.

In all times and all conditions, only God IS.

Nothing is ever created, nothing comes to be, for God is all there is.

My love, there is only love to offer and I offer you love with all my heart.

Your sufferings and struggles are mere imaginations. Only God alone IS.

Peace be unto you, my beloved.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Overcoming distress

The single desire to ensure that other people remain bound to misery is the source of great distress.

To desire to ensure that no one is liberated from misery troubles the mind greatly.

The omly cure is to desire liberation for all.

Desire that others become free from misery.

May all beings live lives of ease and well being. This is my sincere prayer.

May all your troubles cease.

Peace be unto you.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Only one sacrifice is required.

The desire to bound others.

To desire that another remain bound is the only desire to sacrifice.

To you

To you who are reading this.

All is already attained.

There is nothing left for you to seek.

In perfect clarity, no desire can arise.

Wish well for all beings, good and bad.

Perfect understanding belongs only to God.

Your real identity.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Dark forces

The darkest desires seem to involve sex and revenge.

Lust and malice are powerful dark forces which keep us bound to the realm of the gross. These forces strike the mind with very powerful intensity.

The only cure is to seek refuge. Remember the holy ones.

Friday, December 12, 2014

End of attainment

- I have been in a relationship and completed it.
- I have built my civilization, destroyed an empire and been defeated.
- I have published an academic article in a reputed physics journal.

There is nothing more left to attain.

Eventually, all that remains is pure consciousness, the self alone shines. This is all there is, irrespective of all attainments.

There is no desire to live.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


The very intention to be in a state other than what is, results in misery.
Realize that there are no states, but only consciousness. That is stillness. That is peace. That is liberation.

At every instant, there are two directions:

One is the direction of your personal desires, hopes and aspirations. This leads further into the world of appearance.

Other is the direction of truth. This brings you back to your Source.

The choice is yours.


Beware of desire

Following the path of the pursuit of desire leads only to eventual despair.
Desire is the biggest trickster. It seems as though the satisfaction of desire will lead to bliss.
However, it leads only to exponential increase in desire. Desire is fundamentally unfulfillable.

Keep pursuing desires and you will end up insane.

Sanity lies in the realization of perfect contentment with what is.

Sanity lies in the realization of the futility of pursuing desires.

The desire for attainment, desire for fame, desire for love eventually end in despair. This has to be because all desire originates from a perception of discontent with the current state.

Realize that consciousness is all there is and that alone is enough. The path to sanity.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Let us consider an important question.

If love is indeed most important, then how to feel loved when you are without a partner?

The most important fact that needs to be recognized is that love does not depend on having a partner.

The love that is the very core of who you are is independent of any external relationship.

It is the very nature of existence and can only be expressed out. The one who is 'searching for love' is acting out of a place of incompletion and hence believes that love is lacking. True love that is of the soul cannot depend on being in an external relationship. It has to be recognized as the very source of who you are.

Realize the truth and everything else becomes trivial.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Insanity and sanity

To wish that reality were different is the beginning of insanity.

To completely accept reality is the way back to sanity.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Karaniya Metta sutta

This is what should be done
By one who is skilled in goodness,
And who knows the path of peace:
Let them be able and upright,
Straightforward and gentle in speech,
Humble and not conceited,
Contented and easily satisfied,
Unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways.
Peaceful and calm and wise and skillful,
Not proud or demanding in nature.
Let them not do the slightest thing
That the wise would later reprove.
Wishing: In gladness and in safety,
May all beings be at ease.
Whatever living beings there may be;
Whether they are weak or strong, omitting none,
The great or the mighty, medium, short or small,
The seen and the unseen,
Those living near and far away,
Those born and to-be-born —
May all beings be at ease!

Let none deceive another,
Or despise any being in any state.
Let none through anger or ill-will
Wish harm upon another.
Even as a mother protects with her life
Her child, her only child,
So with a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings;
Radiating kindness over the entire world:
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths;
Outwards and unbounded,
Freed from hatred and ill-will.
Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down
Free from drowsiness,
One should sustain this recollection.
This is said to be the sublime abiding.
By not holding to fixed views,
The pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision,
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world.

Poisonous intentions

To desire misery for others is a poisonous intention.

It poisons and darkens the mind and does not allow light to enter inside.

The fundamental healing is the healing of intention. Heal the intention to cause pain to others.

Instead, desire ease and well being for all. To desire liberation for your enemy is the most healing intention.

Let there be no suffering, even to the most wicked.

Suffering is only a call to awaken. It is only through suffering that evil is transformed.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Absolute

The Absolute cannot be conscious of itself.
To be conscious of the self is a movement.
Since, there can be no motion in the Absolute, it cannot be conscious of itself.

Consciousness is borrowed from The Absolute, which is itself beyond consciousness.

It is said that the Absolute alone is.

The supreme peace beyond all comprehension.


One of the biggest challenges in life is dealing with boredom. Many times, in order to escape the boredom of a mundane life, we seek various thrills, excitements, sex, relationships and even 'enlightenment' which we believe is the permanent cure to this boredom. We are terrified of accepting it and remaining with it. In many ways, our inability of accepting the fundamental boredom of life is responsible for all kinds of perversions. In order to seek escape from boredom, we allow perverse notions to captivate the mind. Indulgence in perverse notions results in downfall.

And yet. There is only this. No escape from truth. It is beyond acceptance and rejection, which is only another game played by the mind.

There is nothing to do to realize this. It is absolute.


The very creation of 'the world' is to promote seeking. We experience a void, or a sense of in-completion. And then get trapped up in the seeking mindset, which desires to 'go out' into the world in order to seek that something which will end the sense of in-completion. But the sense of incompletion remains. Hence seeking will not end the sense of incompletion.

Then what to do if not seek? Do the unthinkable...yes, do not seek. Remain as you are. Does the incompletion disappear?

Have I acted right or wrong? Who is to judge? There is only action and consequence. No right or wrong.

The supreme realization

The supreme realization is to not desire things to be other than as they are at this very moment.

To desire things to be different from what they are right now is insanity.

Infact, it is impossible for things to be different from how they are right now.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

An excerpt

A Buddhist monk, after completing ten thousand hours of mediation, can control his attention on demand. He can locate and focus his attention, and his being, on Self-awareness in the present. How adept he is at maintaining controlled attention and his depth of immersion in the present, is subject to many factors within him and external to him.
For the average individual who must face the demanding and distracting world of day labour, controlled attention on Self-awareness in the present is not easy. Not that it is easy for a monk, but the monk does have the advantage of being in an environment that encourages Self-awareness.
After almost fifty years of international travel, analytical research and practice, and repeated verification, I have come to an essential understanding — life can only be lived in the present. We can remember and imagine life in the past and the future, but we can only live life in the present.
The common man is at a disadvantage, having to bear both the burden of maintaining society, and his own Self-awareness within society. To help keep his higher Self alive, he prays, takes counsel from a master, attends religious festivals, and meets daily with fellow believers of whichever religion he favours. He buys, wears, and displays religious objects and images. He does all he can to remember a higher level of being than what he finds in congested traffic, the clutter of his desk at the office, the daily taunt of monetary rituals, and the drudgery of his habitual inclination to attach a personal identity to every feeling, thought and sensation he experiences.
How then can the common man, the average individual, be made into a monk while bound to the canon of conventional edicts?
The monk uses internal and environmental prompts to remind him that his attention must be divided between being aware of what he is doing, and of himself doing it. He uses his breathing, he uses what his eyes see, what his skin senses, what his heart feels, what his mind thinks, what his ears hear. He uses the nourishment of his human presence and perception to awaken his afterlife Self. And the common man can do the same. Whenver he is engaged in any kind of daily ritual, task or chore, he can ask, “Am I aware of myself being where I am doing what I’m doing, or not?”
We are all born in the present, live and die in the present. All that remains is for us to be in the present, to be Self-aware always. From the moment we open our eyes in the morning to the moment we close them at night, the question remains, “Am I here now?” And there is little to no external change made visible to other people by our being Self-aware in the present. We receive neither praise nor money from being more Self-aware. Beyond feeling less stressed or less incomplete, what we gain from enhanced Self-awareness is greater scale-of-vision perspectives, a glimpse of the world without us in it, a deeper insight into the presence in us of our afterlife which is also in the present.
Every moment in the present brings us a moment closer to enlightenment — an escape from the very small world of the human ego and all its possessive “i” attachments. And there is no lock on the present door. All who are willing can walk through it now in this moment as these words come to an end and a moment without words begins.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


All religions and wise beings have invariably warned of two major pitfalls, the road that leads downward and away from truth into the forest of delusion:

1. Excessive indulgence in sense pleasures and dwelling on perverse fantasies.
2. Performing evil deeds.

Craving for sensual indulgence and indulging in perverse sexual fantasies will only take you downward into darkness and ignorance. This will make it difficult to make progress towards the truth of the Soul.

Evil actions only intensify delusion and cause constant misery due to repeated dwelling on the act and fear of the consequence.

Refrain from sensual indulgence, perverse fantasies and evil deeds. These are potent in causing one's downfall.

Dwell constantly on the glory of the truth of the One Soul. This is your best companion and protector.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Evil deeds

In a state of ignorance, an evil deed is performed. Then consequence follows and good deeds need to be performed for balancing out. Thus performance of evil deeds leads to exponential future work!

Hence refrain from evil deeds. This is a nice strategy to avoid future work! Until the evil deed is balanced out, serenity of mind will not arrive.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Why, o dear one, are you so attached to the innumerable concerns of a limited mind?
Realize the concern-less infinite mind. Pure consciousness.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Infinite One

The Infinite One is exactly that: truly infinite and absolutely non-dual (One). So totally so that it originally has nothing to contrast itself against and thus has no means to know itself by. The One – in it’s original ‘state’ – is beyond knowledge of any kind, because without contrast of any kind, there is no awareness of any kind.

Creation (Consciousness) is the mirror to Infinity’s faceless ingraspability. The One is forever beyond being experienced. The closest it can get to knowing itself is through consciousness reflecting upon the possibility of what is beyond its own presence; what its source is.
But even when consciousness realizes that it has a source that is truly One and Infinite, The One itself still remains beyond the comprehension of consciousness, but now at least The One gets reflected because Consciousness (presence) ponders the existence of beyond-presence or beyond-existence.
In this way The Infinite One magically and beautifully develops a mysterious awareness of itself through contrast.


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Introspection illusion

Believing you understand your motivations and desires, your likes and dislikes, is called the Introspection Illusion. You believe you know yourself, and why you are the way you are. You believe this knowledge tells you how you will act in all future situations. Research shows otherwise.

Time after time, experiments show introspection is not the act of tapping into your innermost mental constructs, but is instead a fabrication, a construction, a fiction. You look at what you did, or how you felt, and you make up some sort of explanation which you can reasonably believe. If you have to tell others, you make up an explanation they can believe too.


The introspection illusion is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly think they have direct insight into the origins of their mental states, while treating others' introspections as unreliable. In certain situations, this illusion leads people to make confident but false explanations of their own behavior (called "causal theories"[1]) or inaccurate predictions of their future mental states.

The illusion has been examined in psychological experiments, and suggested as a basis for biases in how people compare themselves to others. These experiments have been interpreted as suggesting that, rather than offering direct access to the processes underlying mental states, introspection is a process of construction and inference, much as people indirectly infer others' mental states from their behavior.[2]

When people mistake unreliable introspection for genuine self-knowledge, the result can be an illusion of superiority over other people, for example when each person thinks they are less biased and less conformist than the rest of the group. Even when experimental subjects are provided with reports of other subjects' introspections, in as detailed a form as possible, they still rate those other introspections as unreliable while treating their own as reliable. Although the hypothesis of an introspection illusion informs some psychological research, the existing evidence is arguably inadequate to decide how reliable introspection is in normal circumstances.[3] Correction for the bias may be possible through education about the bias and its unconscious nature.[4]


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Why is life so hard?

Why do we find life to be a struggle? Why do we feel that life is so hard sometimes?

The thought 'life is hard' occurs to you only when there is some anxiety about the future. This anxiety which comes up is due to the fundamental unknown of the future. The future remains as a dark spot of the unknown. When we dwell on that dark spot, it generates anxiety. Let us enquire. At this very moment, you are here, reading this. Here in this very moment, all that actually exists is just you and your awareness of being present here, now. Feel this presence. This presence that you feel is all that actually exists. Yes, there might be unresolved isuues, tasks undone etc. but right now is only presence. Now, I invite you to grasp that this presence is the only thing thats found when you really enquire. No matter what situation you might be in, the sense of presence is always there, seemingly at the background. The foreground consists of your thoughts of anxiety.

Breathe deeply and feel this very moment. Feel your presence. Let it wash away the anxiety. Let it wash away the fear. Let us see that at every moment, we are faced with two seeming possibilities. Once is the train of thought which eventually leads us only to death and anxiety if followed through. Other is the sense of presence right here right now, which is pure consciousness. If thought is allowed to expand, it can very easily blow completely out of proportion and seemingly embrace our consciousness in its grasp of despair and gloom. Consciousness remains unaffected, however. This needs to be realized. Then thought can change. Then this very moment becomes a celebration. An act of gratitude merely for being alive this very moment. Darkness and despair of thought is just deception. An anchor is needed for life. An anchor which is independent of external circumstances. Consciousness alone can become the anchor. It is present at all times in all circumstances. Dwell here in the stillness of awareness, else the deception of the world will carry you away. Ultimately, there is nothing to seek in life. There is only eternal consciousness. This alone has to be realized deeply. Only then will the strength arrive which banishes all thoughts of despair. All the words of the world and their deception must be burned in this fire of pure consciousness. Only then will true security and peace arrive. No peace or security can ever come from 'external' factors. Seeking any form of security through external means will only increase misery. Until this is deeply realized, you will not stop seeking 'more'. Realize that you have enough. Only then can you truly contribute to the world.

It has been declared by ancient wisdom that self knowledge alone is to be sought. Once the self is realized, all sorrows will vanish.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

On deception

There lurks a silent subtle thief in the darkness. This thief is the ignorant mind. Ignorant of truth. It creates a false world through deception and ill will. The ignorant mind is filled with evil intention. The evil intention manifests itself as words of deception. Words of deception seek to confuse the pure mind and hide the truth behind a veil of ignorance. Believing words of deception bounds you to ignorance and suffering.

Since truth is One and beyond destruction, the only way to bound is through deception. Deception is false knowledge parading as truth. Its only purpose is to deceive the mind. Through the deception, we perceive a warped version of reality where everything is seen wrongly. Our major task in life is to protect ourselves from false knowledge that deceives by remaining constantly vigilant. Remain aware constantly. Ceaseless watchfulness. The chief power of deception is its invisibility and speed. It is extremely subtle.

Those in positions of power use deception to rule and control. Our minds are remarkably susceptible to deception and hence need to be guarded at all times, even in sleep and while dreaming as well. The moment you find an evil intent or ill will arising in the mind, know that you have been deceived. The seed of deception lurks deep within the subconscious mind. This makes it powerful. Constant watchfulness and remaining ceaselessly aware are your best weapons. Deception flees the moment it is seen. The moment it becomes visible, it disappears at once. Hence remain clear at all times. Shine the light of awareness deep into the subconscious. Deception will instantly flee. However, it will patiently wait for the next opportunity. It is remarkably persistent. Hence our practice must be ceaseless.

This is the great inner battle. Ultimately, the deception is a mere illusion. Awareness is the reality. Under the spell of ignorance, this is not seen. The great deception has sapped the life out of a large part of humanity. Let us together shine the light of awareness and get rid of deception. False teachings have gripped the mind. Distractions prevent reflection and remaining aware. Resort to the One. Stop deceiving. Stop lying to yourself. This alone is sufficient.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I and i

Egoism is the attitude of ‘i’ and ‘mine’. Actually, is there any meaning in saying ‘i’ and ‘mine’? Who are we referring to when we say ‘i’? If it is the body, do we own the body? How can the body, conceived of by our parents and sustained by nature, by ours? What do we give in compensation for the air, water and light we take from nature? How then can we say that this body, which is wholly indebted to others, is ours? If the ‘i’ is in the name, where was it before our parents named us? And if we change our name, what happens to the ‘i?’ Similarly, what is the difference between my body and those of others? Apart from superficial differences in shape and size, is there a fundamental difference? After the body dies, the body that we call ‘mine’ will not be with us anymore. If the body were ours, wouldn’t it remain with us always?

If we were the mind, it should be under our control, but that is not the case. Sometimes, we are sad, sometimes happy, sometimes angry, and sometimes lazy. Thus, it has a different character at different times. Where is the real ‘I’ in all this? Can we introduce ourselves to others by merely saying ‘i’? Without adding information pertaining to our occupation or the fact that we are someone’s son or husband, or that we are from a certain place, our identity is not clear.

Yet, are any of these permanent? No. Our job can change. Our address can change. We will lose our near and dear ones today or tomorrow. So, do ‘i’ not exist without them? If ‘i’ do, who then am i? If we inquire within, we will understand that what we refer to as ‘i’ is not real the ‘I’. It is the Atma (Self), the expansive ‘I’ that inheres in everyone. We might say, ‘I’m Madhava’ or ‘I’m Keshava’ or ‘I’m Krishna’.

What is common is the ‘I’. Even though the refrigerator, fan and light seem different, there is no difference in the electric current that makes each one of them work. In the same way, the supreme consciousness that inheres in all of us is the same. That is the real ‘I’. When we recognise that ‘I’, we will realise that all we see is the same ‘I’. One who recognises that, is no ordinary individual. His individual mind has become the universal mind. This realisation is not instantly possible for all. It is like striking the lottery. Some will attain this realisation quickly. The obstacles of ‘i’ and ‘mine’, standing in the way of expressing love selflessly, will be absent in them. When a flower blossoms, its fragrance wafts away. It does not reclaim its fragrance. In the same way, when love awakens in a person, it flows like a river to the rest of the world.


Purpose of conversation

Conversing with others is a major activity in our life. We spend a very large fraction of our time conversing with various people. Hence, it is important to understand the purpose of conversation and what is it that we seek in conversing with others.

In any conversation, there are two parties. The first is the speaker and the second is the listener.

Only those conversations which uplift  both the speaker and the listener must be engaged in.

If there is any attempt to misguide or delude, such conversations must be immediately avoided.

The entire world is sustained by delusion. Such delusive words must not be spoken to anyone. It is much better to avoid speaking rather than to delude the listener.

A listener must be extremely discriminative of the words of the speaker. In a world where it is so easy to be carried away by lies and deception, a listeners foremost duty is to develop the faculty of discrimination wherein he does not allow himself to be deceived by the false words of a misguided speaker.

Only balanced individuals have a right to influence. All others are advised to practice silence and reflect upon their true intentions while speaking with others. There is too much talk in the world. Each one filled with preconceived notions and foolish delusions. It is much better to practice solitude and avoid the company of delusive individuals.

The real discipline is the discipline of refraining from speech. Avoid all superfluous conversations and practice silence. Do not be pressured into speaking. Excessive uncontrolled speech results only in misery.

The most important practice promoting serenity of mind is to refrain from speech. Do not take part in any debates, arguments and futile discussions.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Remedy of limitation

Your consciousness is faceted to express light into multiple systems of existence. There are many, many expressions that comprise your total Selfhood, and each expression is linked to the hub of consciousness that is your core identity. It is here that your ancient voice and eyes can multi-dimensionally observe, express, and experience. This is your food source for expansion and beautification. 

Place your attention upon your core identity and never release it. With every piece of information that passes your way, discern how it enables you to attune to this voice and perception. This is the only discipline you require. It is the remedy of limitation. 



The notion of enlightenment is responsible for all sorrow.

Friday, October 17, 2014

The most valuable treasure

What is the most valuable treasure? A calm and serene mind. Also known as the pure mind.

Purity of mind is by far the greatest treasure you can possess. A pure mind is absolutely clear and doubt free.

It is the truth. It is only a pure mind that is capable of realizing the absolute.

This alone is what matters in life.

In order to purify the mind, keep watching it ceaselessly. Practice speaking of truth. Remove selfish desire from activities. Stop interacting with ignorance. Have pure and light food. Avoid narcotics, too much meat etc.

Perfect contentment ever dwells in the pure mind.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Remember always that the most important thing is to remain in clarity.

Stop indulging in imaginations and thought forms. Consequences will follow.

Remember the glorious truth of Oneness at all times.

Spread only this knowledge. Offer light and compassion to those stuck in the lower plains of instinctive imaginations.

Ultimately, these are all imaginations. Recognize them as such. None of them is real.

Only the Spirit is real. Everything else is false. This alone matters in the end.

Evil tendencies

Be always vigilant my friend, for the evil tendencies of the mind are very deep rooted. Out of nowhere, they will come and strike. Especially when you begin to doubt, they find an opening. Once they arrive and you open the door, then you succumb. And will find yourself completely overpowered. It takes long to recover from here.

The mind by its very nature is drawn to gross objects. It takes great pleasure in filth, sex and causing pain. Living with the mind is like living with a time bomb that could go out any minute! To fix it on subtle thoughts takes great practice. Hence remain awake at all times.

No matter how advanced you consider yourself, the forces of evil will wait and try to enter the moment you suffer a moment of weakness. Hence, be ever vigilant and do not doubt.

Remember the truth in all situations. Consciousness alone exists.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


The search for enlightenment is the creation of human stupidity.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Conflict resolution

The basic conflict in our lives is the conflict between the self and the world.
When it is realized that the self and the world are both consciousness, this conflict ends.

Then it is realized that there is only consciousness.
Hence, 'the world' is consciousness.

To love the self is to love the world.

To desire liberation for the self is to desire liberation for all.

Remain as consciousness. This is peace.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Four true friends

Remember your four true friends:

1. Self control
2. Spirit of enquiry
3. Contentment
4. Satsanga (Company of the wise)

When these are with you, there is absolutely nothing to fear.

They will never abandon you.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Moments of weakness

We must never forget that no matter how evolved or elevated you imagine yourself to be, we are all susceptible to moments of weakness. We are all susceptible to uncontrollable urges. Desires can easily expand and encompass the entire periphery of the thoughtscape. Hence, the need to remain constantly watchful and alert.

We need to bring ourselves into the present moment. Remember our selves. Do not get lost inside the vast and dense thoughtscape. Desires are based on false beliefs. False beliefs that we are incomplete. And that we need to attain the object of desire in order to complete ourselves. This is nothing but cultural programming of the mind. The world is the mind and nothing else.

You are not the mind. Peace is your very nature. If you forget this, the mind will immediately trap you.
Hence the need to remain ever watchful and alert.

Peace be unto you.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Clarity is most important.

Clarity comes from realization of the fundamentality of consciousness.

Consciousness is the sole foundation of everything.

Consciousness alone is the ultimate reality.

Only this matters.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nonduality of consciousness

What is it that prevents the realization of the nonduality of consciousness (Atman)?

It is attachment to the notion of the personal self. This attachment comes from the sense of being a subjective witness. Even the sense of subjectivity comes after and is false.

When the notion of a personal self or individual identity is realized to be false, the nonduality of consciousness is realized.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Consciousness is the World.

The World is Consciousness.

The World --> Form of Consciousness
Consciousness --> Emptiness of the World

There is nothing else.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The most important thing

What is the only thing that matters?

In order to answer this question, that thing should satisfy the following criteria:

1. It should not be subject to change
2. It should be with you at all times
3. It should never leave
4. It should provide happiness and peace
5. It should be there whenever desired

According to the scriptures, Consciousness is the only thing that matters.

That you are aware and conscious is the only thing that matters.

Consciousness cannot be lost. Hence there is no fear.

Consciousness is single. You are not 'two'. Consciousness is peace. This is realized when desire is fulfilled and a momentary bliss is experienced. This is the bliss of Consciousness.

Remember, irrespective of whether you succeed or fail, irrespective of whether you are accepted by all or rejected, you are Consciousness. Consciousness is God.

This is the greatest truth there is. The only truth there is. Rejoice it this realization.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


Consciousness alone is the sole reality.

From Pure Consciousness comes the faculty of being conscious.

Before even the faculty of being conscious can arise, there must be a conception of a conscious being.
Like there must be the concept of a rock before the actual rock comes into being.

So before the coming into existence of conscious being comes the concept of being conscious.

Since the concept is prior to the subject, the subject cannot comprehend the concept.

From the concept of a conscious being arises the existence of a conscious subjective being and an object of experience i.e. the world. Thus being prior, the concept of coming into being cannot be understood by the subjective being. Prior even to the concept of coming into being lies the Unknowable One. Beyond space, beyond time, beyond conception. The groundless ground of all existence. Beyond Consciousness.

It is not conscious. Purity beyond all conception. Stillness beyond stillness.

The Unknowable One lies forever. Nothing can be said about it.

The Divine Mother aware of all her little children, yet forever Dark.


The realm of thought or thoughtscape is huge. The physical universe is like an atom as compared to the thoughtverse. Imagine the thoughts thought by an entity and imagine countess such entities. The thoughtverse created is too vast to even imagine. But it is still finite. A huge number, probably the largest you can imagine.

Within our minds, thoughts keep running. Each thought leads to another, which leads further on in a chain that assume epic proportions. One can be lost in the thoughtverse for lifetimes. Realize this first.

Wake up now. From your illusory thoughtscape. And come home to your Mother.

Stop being so attached to thoughts. Stop and realize who you really are. How can you get carried away by thoughts. Who are you anyway? Another thought?

Consider this keenly my friend.

Friday, August 29, 2014


The mind's chief power is its invisibility.

It does not lie in the realm of space and time being of non-spatial and non-temporal nature.

Its existence is only confirmed from its effects namely the world appearance and ego sense.

However, if the effects are unreal, then their cause must be equally unreal. Hence the mind is unreal.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Absolutely nothing that you do or think or understand is of any consequence.
Abandon yourself to the divine mother.
The only refuge.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Non-duality of Consciousness

It is only by the grace of the Divine Mother that the non-duality of Consciousness be realized.

Take refuge in Her.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Illusion of knowledge

It seems that more knowledge we seem to obtain, the more we realize the extent of our ignorance.
True knowledge seems to be the realization of one's complete ignorance.

Infact, our conviction that our knowledge is an actual representation of things may well be a delusion.
The conviction of having knowledge is an illusion.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Object of effort

All of our efforts should be directed towards the sole purpose of God realization alone.

Only these efforts will never be wasted. Efforts directed towards any other purpose are merely a waste of time.

Absolute Presence

The Presence of God is Absolute.

There is nothing else.

Your only choice lies in how long you wish to continue denying this.

Monday, August 18, 2014


All our perceptions are false.

Perception is nothing but the illusory movement of mind.

Hence, consciousness alone exists.

Truth cannot be hence perceived.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Desire liberation for all

The world appearance is sustained by firm belief in the reality of worldly relationships.

These relationships are only thoughts.

As long as the notion of relationship lasts, there is bondage to these relationships.

The desire to keep 'other beings' in bondage keeps one firmly attached to the bondage of dual perception.

This results in sorrow.

The way out is to desire liberation for all 'other beings'.

Since there is no real relationship, there is no real liberation. All liberation occurs only in thought.

Liberate all beings residing in your thought.

Desire liberation for each. This is the way to freedom.

Friday, August 8, 2014

No ignorant beings

The perception that there are 'ignorant beings' 'out there' is the ignorance!
There are no 'ignorant beings'. There is no 'out there'.

There is none that needs liberation.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Unconscious thought patterns must be brought under the light of consciousness.

One of the most persistent thought pattern is this great mass of fear which lies underneath.
It is a deep fear of humiliation. A fear of being criticized. To face our perceived weakness which is revealed by criticism.

It causes us to avoid putting ourselves in situations where there is a potential for humiliation. This is the great fear of all failures. This fear must be addressed through self-confidence. Have faith in who you are. Realize that you are a child of the supreme Creator. Realize your inheritance. There is absolutely nothing to fear. You only need to realize this great fact.

Another unconscious thought pattern is fear of physical pain and discomfort.

One more is the malice and hatred felt for someone who is doing better than you. A most wretched fear is the belief that you are a slave of outer circumstances and a victim of your environment. This is quite a strong belief. This is very dense dirt which needs thorough cleaning. Stop believing all these lies.

No one is a victim of their circumstance. Realize that first.


Without love, existence is nothing but a burden.

Love is the only meaning to life.

Love is the purpose of existence.

Non-existence is preferable to existence without love.

Love and love alone shall heal the soul.

Love is the supreme redeemer. The only thing of value in this desert.

Never give up on love my friend. Love is stronger than death.

I am only a slave to Love. For it, I shall sacrifice everything.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

When hope is leaving

To you when you lose hope and find the void of life staring you.

Remember that this world is not real. It is like a huge movie and you are just playing a role.

So is everyone else that you see 'out there'. There is absolutely nothing to seek. Nothing ever comes into being. And yet...

Learn to appreciate your current situation. Understand that you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Even your current level of perception is what suits you best at this moment.

Take refuge in the absolute. Understand that everything is already resolved.

My prayers are always with you. Glory to the One. By the very presence of the One, all this universe of motion appears. Keep him in your mind and you will never be lost.


The quest for knowledge ultimately leads to the realization of the illusoriness of all objective knowledge.
It is only self-knowledge that alone is real.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Perception of the original state

That what is there remains as it is. Truth remains forever untouched.

The only change is in our perception of the truth.

The original unconditioned state is realized at 'all times' by 'all'.

The only difference lies in our perception of the original state. To those who are convinced of the glory of the original state, there is no desire to leave it for an illusory experience.
To those who do not perceive the glory of the original state, there is a 'subsequent fall into false experiences'. Ultimately, we come out of the false experiences only to be reminded of the glory of the original state.

If we believe that our original state is not complete and consider it 'boring', we will get trapped and fall into illusory mental states. Then we will realize how glorious the original state was and how much we long to be 'back there'.

As long as our perception of the original state remains clear and free from doubt, we are 'protected' from descent into illusory experiences and distressful mental states. Always stay awake to the glory of the original state. This will protect you at all times and in every situation.

Thus, our only task is to clean our perception of the original state. This is the only change. The original state remains forever pure. Our only task is to realize this.

Glory to the One who remains forever awake. Absolutely nothing else matters.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Firm belief in the reality of relationships is a source of great misery.

Every relationship is illusory.

There is absolutely no truth in any relationship.

Attachment to relationship brings nothing but sorrow and fear.

Throw away the guilt and realize the falsity of all relationship.

Family relationships and relationship with parents are actually false.

Realize that you have no parents and no teachers. This is liberation.

Realize that the only one that has relationship is the false 'you'.

This false 'you' has false 'relationships' with false 'others'

Neither 'you' nor 'others' nor 'relationship' is true.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Overcoming infatuation

Remaining single has a dangerous side effect - Infatuation.

Yes, when you are single, infatuation becomes more powerful due to the absence of a partner.
You somehow feel justified in allowing this storm to enter your mind. The greatest treasure of inner serenity is lost.

This is where self control finds one of its most formidable adversaries.

Remember to never reveal your infatuation and it will pass like a storm.

This is a nice quote borrowed from another website "The crush of self-loathing is a far more helpless and depressing thing to go through than a crush for a co-worker."

Remember, your only task is to remain quiet. Do not express your feelings of infatuation. This is the only way it can die. Practice all the self control you can.

Remember, infatuation is only a fantasy. An illusion.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Emptiness here

The world is like a big show of lights!

Ultimately, there is emptiness underneath.

This emptiness is always there.

This emptiness is aware.

At all moments, this emptiness alone is found to exist.

There is no escape. No one who can escape!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Some truths

Here are some truths:

1. The only reason for working is to earn enough to keep the stomach quiet.
2. Once the requirements of the stomach are met, there is no other purpose to working.
3. There is no desire of being in a 'relationship' with another.
4. There is no desire to 'explore the world'.
5. There is no desire of 'starting a family'.
6. There is no desire of 'service to society'.

What is there is enough. Nothing more is ever needed.


If you wish to realize the truth, you need to stop lying.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


As we grow older in life, it seems that the real change lies in the change of realization.
We go through many experiences, encounter many failures and successes and pursue and lose many opportunities.
What differentiates us is not the quality of our experiences, but the realization that comes from them.

Holding on to past memories and outdated expectations only prevent us from seeing things as they really are. We are blinded by the stories that we tell ourselves. Blinded to the realizations which are there for all to see at the very start of the journey.

A realization is nothing an achivement or an attainment or even an experience or fulfilment of some desire.
A realization is just a seeing through all the lies that we constantly keep telling ourselves about ourselves and the world. Ultimately, what matters and is essential exists right now at this very moment and requires no effort to attain.

To realize, not just live through an experience or attain some extraordinary goal or become an extraordinary person, but to realize with the soul and to be absolutely convinced about how things actually are is the only thing that separates wisdom from ignorance.

The older we get and as desires start declining and we stop worrying about survival, realization gradually gets clarified. Wisdom is a matter of clarity and not experience or attainment.

Our lives and the person who we think we are keeps moving on. You realize that there is absolutely nothing that you need to do to be you.

Probably, the wise ones differ from others only in the depth of their realization. They realize what ultimately matters and what does not.

The only advice I can offer you based on a limited personal understanding is that you need to stop wasting time pursuing illusions. Realize that what you are is absolutely untouched by anything that happens or does not happen to you. You cannot change what exists at the deepest level of being.

Realize that you are exactly where you need to be. That is all.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

To you

To you who read, remember this:

The only thing that matters is that you seek your source.
The source of your existence does not lie outside of you.
It is within you at the deepest level. The One who is ever awake.
To realize that which is real and is your real self is all that matters here or in any other world.

This would be my humble offering based on my current (incomplete) understanding.

You are free to treat this message as you like.

My sincere prayers are that you realize your true self at this very moment!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The busy mind

The mind is the busiest guy! He never sleeps! And is always active!

When the mind is active, worries, anxieties, desires and hopes flourish.

When the mind is inert, sleep overpowers.

How is the truth to be realized then?

Realize that there is no mind.

Only One consciousness shines.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Thought is nothing but a mirror for awareness.
It is through thought that awareness realizes itself.

Awareness awaring is thought!
When awareness realizes itself, thought is born.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Personal pride is just a notion

A very subtle desire remains...The desire to be perceived as the 'enlightened one'. This desire also seeks to perceive 'other people' as 'not liberated' and wishes to keep them there so that it can perceive itself as the 'liberated one'. Extremely subtle, it keeps one bound to personality. A spiritual ego or 'spiritual pride'...a most dangerous form of pride.

Ask yourself, 'who is this liberated one'? And what is this 'liberation' from?

The desire of being perceived as 'spiritually accomplished' seems to be a last resort for the personal pride to maintain itself. This personal pride MUST perceive 'others' as 'spiritually ignorant'. This is how it feeds itself.

When there is only awareness, who is accomplished and who is ignorant? The notion of 'someone is here' is just a notion. This personal pride is highly subtle. Its only objective is to maintain itself by feeding on the ignorance of 'others'. It is only this 'personal pride' that can have any objectives or aims. Awareness has no aims and no pride. The only purpose of relationship seems to maintain personal pride. Without relationship, it cannot survive.

Do not identify as this 'personal pride'. It's only companion is constant fear and anxiety and loneliness. This notion has kept you from realizing the truth.

Remember this "Spiritual pride is your biggest weakness". It is ultimately what leads to malice and envy.


When you are stuck in a dream, there is absolutely no 'positive' action that you can take to come out of the dream. Only realize that it is just a dream and stop taking it seriously.

Humiliation and its antidote

To be humiliated is one of my deepest fears.

To be shunned and shamed and left isolated is my deepest fear.

The only life worth living is one in which there is no dependence on any relationship.

To be completely independent of all relationships is the only way to overcome this fear. However, this fear is based on an illusion. If that illusion is seen through, nothing else is needed. No renunciation of any relationship!

This fear arises because of the notion of personal pride. Even a poor man fears humiliation because of personal pride. When we identify with this notion of personal pride, we become a (proud) person.

This personal pride (or ego) is at the root of all fear.

This personal pride is not real!

If this is realized, all problems are immediately solved and all issues instantaneously resolved.

No need to shun any 'relationship'.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Today, another mind charm has been revealed. Infatuation.

Infatuation is perhaps one of the most deceitful notions in the mind. When it is operating, you are completely lost inside its world and its charming delusions. It is probably more dangerous than even malice. Malice does not feel good and there is an effort to overcome it. However, infatuation floods the mind with vivid and awesome possibilities and can feel really wonderful. However, the wonder is one of fantasy and not reality.

But because of this magical fantasy, you get caught in it and enjoy being there. You do not even realize that you have been caught in a fantasy. This foe is especially dangerous. Because it is so easy to get caught within its charms. Infatuation is the result of getting caught up in fantastical notions about an object of perception. It is not real. It does not last. It is probably what keeps us caught in the grip of the mind. Like a drug, it is extremely addictive and difficult to give up. Infatuation can be with regard to a person, a lover, an idea. Love at first sight is infatuation. It is the mind conjuring up fantastical notions.

The entire challenge of our life lies in remaining awake. At every moment.
Caught up in false notions, we get lost inside a complex illusion.
Remain awake to who you are. This is all that is needed.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Our responses cause suffering

Suffering is caused when you have a very strong (emotional) response to a happening.

When your response to a particular event is very intense, it causes a constant replay of the event and your response in the mind. This depletes you of energy and promotes suffering and misery.

To relieve yourself of this cycle, it is best not to respond too strongly to any given event, most of which are anyway beyond your conscious control.

Learn instead to let go of your need to respond intensely to any happening.

Calmness of mind itself is most valuable. Calmness is when you no longer respond to events with intensity.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Idleness is the hardest of all occupations.

Keep on moving

It seems to me that it is the struggle and the seeking that gives meaning to life.

Without the struggle to attain, life becomes meaningless.

Maybe nothing matters in the end, but if we stop seeking, we stop living.

It takes courage to come out of the darkness.

It takes courage to open up to another person. But if we don't keep moving, we will fall into despair.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Working together

I realize that I am very good at working against others, but very poor in working with others.
As long as we seek to satisfy our private visions and desires and others do the same for their own private desires and visions, we wil keep working against each other and create misery for all.

Misery is created when several people desire the same thing but is only possible for one to attain. To address this issue, we must all have a single common vision and desire.

All members of the group or community should have one vision. Each must be committed to this one vision which must be for the upliftment of all. Only this will cure the collective misery.

One vision served by all. No room for personal visions which conflict with the One vision. This must be the first requirement in any collective undertaking.

If the leader is selfish, misery is guaranteed for all. That is why competition must be done away with.

The One vision has to be one that will benefit every single being equally and enable the peaceful existence of every single living and non living being.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Only one task

There is only one task for you.

Keep your attention on yourself.

Strive to remain awake.

Be conscious of your self.

Stop falling into the dream!

Stay awake!

This is all.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Caught again

The moment seeking begins, you are already caught in the dream!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Misery of comparing

What is it that causes most misery?
It is watching the perceived happiness of others when your life lies in shambles.

Comparing your life to others is one of the root miseries. This is what eventually leads to fear of failure which causes desire for success.

You realize that other people do not behave the way you expect them to. That some people seem to be so happy its almost unfair!

In society and human relationships, it is this one habit of constant comparison that causes all mental turmoil.
It is when we believe that other people are better than me or that I am better than another which gives rise to anguish. So what is the antidote for this?

Can we stop this constant comparison? Who are we really? And what is it that is real? Not a perception of the mind but an actual reality. This alone can stop this comparison.

You already have the courage to stand alone. There is absolutely no need for any support.
Wake up! Realize thyself! And stop indulging in futile comparisons which lead only towards misery.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shine light in the dark mind corners

All the abnormality and psychological mess that is our minds is because of all the things that we keep hidden from the world and ourselves.

Shine light on everything. Leave no dark corners. This is the way to sanity.

Open up everything to the world. Hold nothing back.

Throw out all the things that you grasp on to so strongly.

Keeping them hidden consumes tremendous mental energy.

The only reason that you hide something is when you have something to protect. When there is no person to protect, there is nothing to hide.

Time to clean up the closet!


To be totally at ease with who you are and your life situation and to not have anything to hide from the world.
This is freedom.

Absolute freedom comes from absolute transparency.

There is nothing here. This alone.

Nowhere or no one else to be.

There is no one to save or destroy.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Overcoming bitterness

Over the course of life, certain events take place which causes bitterness and resentment to arise in the mind. Once resentment arises, life becomes painful and full of misery. A true reflection will reveal the origin of this resentment. An attitude of gratitude towards the world will help soften the outlook.

Harboring bitterness and resentment comes from some kind of non-acceptance.
Accept completely your present life situation. No one, neither you nor the world is to be blamed.

Our life is our offering to the world. Let this offering bring peace to the world.
Let our presence enlighten the lives of all who come in contact with us.
Let our presence bring soothing to another.

This can be the only purpose of life.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Boredom and clarity

On what fundamental basis must decisions be made?
What is the true value of selfless service?

A life which has no major problems need not necessarily be the ideal life.
A bored state of mind is as toxic as a restless state of mind. The mind state oscillates between restlessness (seeking) and boredom (despairing). When gripped by either of these states, clarity is lost.

Clarity of mind is when the mind is free from restlessness and boredom. In the absence of anxiety and despair, the mind is still. A still mind is like a clear mirror that reflects.

A mind and body which is absolutely still is completely relaxed. In the absence of any desire or fear, the mind reaches a state of deep relaxation. This happens when there are no activities or undone tasks that arise in the mind. A still mind like a clean mirror reflects only truth.

Truth is always present, hidden only by perceptions.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


A most fundamental aspect of life is your attitude towards the world. If your attitude is one of malice and hatred, it will only poison your mind. The world is a terrible place. It is terrible for everyone, not you alone. If we forget this fact and start treating others with malice, it will only result in your own misery.

The best way to be at peace is to realize that the world and the people are not separate from who you are.
Unless selfish desire is given up, no peace can be obtained.


I am going to tell you one thing.

Fuck everything that you have ever thought or believed about yourself or anyone else.
It's all just a fucking piece of shit. Complete lie.

ha ha...there is absolutely nothing to defend


Remember that you are not responsible for the failure or success of anyone else. If a person expects you to behave a certain way, it is their mistake. Similarly, if you expect a person to behave a certain way, it is your mistake.

All that happens or does not happen is not your responsibility. What happens happens. What does not happen, does not happen. You are responsible for neither. Let no one else fool you into believing that you are responsible. You are not responsible for your perceived shortcomings, nor is anyone else responsible for their perceived shortcomings. No one is your friend. No one is your enemy.

To get involved in any relationship is only a source of eventual sorrow. All relationships are completely futile. It is best not to get involved deeply in any relationship. People will always disappoint. You will always disappoint. Disappointment is the final outcome of all relationship.

No one here belongs to you. You do not belong to anyone. A few relationships will go on.

There is only consciousness. And that is who you are. And in this is made right every possible wrong. And this is the most glorious truth.

Friday, May 9, 2014


The purpose of a solitary life is to rediscover the primal joy of just being. When you are by yourself without any baggage whatsoever, of either the past or the future or even the present, there is only the stillness. This is rejuvenation. This is healing. This is to be realized. Drop all loads. And enjoy the relief of pure being.

Un-wise responses

Some of the most traumatizing moments are when things do not happen as we imagined they would.
Sometimes, even our own response to a situation is not the way we imagined we would respond.

So, are we really in control of our response?

Once we attain a certain level of awareness, we imagine that we will respond to life situations with the same level of awareness at all times. Sometimes however, our responses are not the way we imagined it would. This leads to suffering.

But, why should any kind of response lead to suffering?
It is because we are attached to our notions of who we think we are. We imagine that by responding in a 'un-wise' manner, we have harmed the notion of who we think we are. It is this notion that gives rise to personal desires and a self seeking personality. Self-interest and self-enhancement are the sole objectives of such an imaginary self-notion. Identifying with this self-notion, we suffer greatly when this imaginary self-notion is perceived to be diminished due to our un-wise response to a situation.

Sanity lies in the knowledge of truth. This imaginary self-notion is not who I am.
The inner self is completely untouched by all notions and any response to any situation and any possible outcome. Pure presence. Dwell here. This is your true home.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Life is a journey of love and loss.
Enjoy the love while it lasts, beloved.

The only thing we really seek in life is love.
All that matters is someone to share love with.

In the complex web of routine and mundane living, the few moments of love are the ones most cherished.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Spirit and flesh and mind

The flesh (body) is attracted to flesh.
The Spirit (Awareness) knows itself as pure presence.

So where does the mind come in?????

The mind is the one suffering identity crisis.
The mind is the identifying tendency.
Mind is identification. The notion of 'I'.

The only problem there is is for the mind.

Neither the Spirit nor the flesh is confused.

Confusion belongs only to the ignorant mind which has no idea of what to identify with.

Truly, the only problem (if there be one) is the ignorant mind.

Mind is identification. The only problem therefore is a problem for the mind which does not know where to turn to. The mind is confused about what to identify itself with.

But since there is only Spirit and flesh, there seems to be no mind there. This non-existence of the mind is the mind's greatest fear. For it is trying to sustain itself, and that which has no existence cannot sustain itself.

Thus, the only confusion is a confusion of identification. This identity crisis itself is the mind.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Source of consciousness

There is a central question. Is Consciousness different from consciousness of being a particular person?
The consciousness of being a person or an animal or a God or a worm or a stone or a tree etc. seems to be the defining characteristic of existing entities.

For example, a person called Peter has the consciousness of being Peter. Another person called Helen has the consciousness of being Helen. So is this Peter-consciousness different from Helen-consciousness.
Thus, there seem to be an infinitely larger number of consciousness's. The source of this consciousness is however singular. It has no identity of its own. It has no name to identify with. It is not different in different entities. The source of consciousness is beyond the grasp of individual consciousness. It cannot be claimed by anyone. It does not say 'I am'. But enables the individual to have a powerful sense of 'I am' which to the individual seems very real.

Since the source of consciousness is beyond the grasp of individual consciousness, it seems as though it does not exist. Yet, it cannot be denied.

The source of consciousness is infinite. Completely outside the realm of time, space, dimension and causation. Being infinite, it leaves no room for another individual consciousness. Thus, there is in reality no individual consciousness. Thus individual consciousness is an illusion like water in a desert mirage. It only appears to be, but there is in reality no individual consciousness. There is only the infinite, identity-less One.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Soothing the mind

Your belief about the people around you is central to your peace of mind.
To have constant thoughts of malice and hatred towards those around you is a most depressing way of living life.

Instead, wish for the peace of all minds. Wish well for those around you.
Wish that they might be able to find peace in their hearts.

This is greatly soothing to the mind.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Self interest

The hardest decision you make is to stop acting out of self interest.
But once you make this decision, everything in life changes.
And peace will be yours.


A sense of fear seems all pervasive. There is this emotion of regret. It binds the body and the mind into its own chamber. When regret strikes, it strikes deep. It seems that there is nothing in the whole world but this sense of regret. And all our actions are just means to escape from this sense of regret that holds the mind enchained. And we seek to fall into actions which are irrational. Which are just a means of escape from the mind. The actions which have no appeal for a clear mind begin to attract the mind filled with regret. Regret intensifies fear. And thus the mind falls into darkness.

Another aspect that comes with regret is paranoia. We start feeling paranoid. Believing that something horrible will happen because of act committed. In order to deal effectively with regret, you must be willing to live through the consequences of all your actions and thoughts whatever they might be. Do not seek to avoid facing the consequences of your acts. And even if the consequence is such that it leads to your destruction, embrace it completely.

The chief thought which causes regret seems to be this --> 'I wish to enhance my survival'...' I want to ensure my sustenance '....' My personal desires are THE most important things'

Personal desires are what drive us and what cause us the most suffering.

In the end, it is acts based on personal desires that cause deep regret.

Yet, no mistake is ever final. Only a dead person makes no mistakes. As long as you live, you will commit mistakes and some of these mistakes will give rise to a deep sense of regret.

The deepest regrets are with regard to those actions which you perceive will lead to your perceived downfall. It may be a loss of career, a loss of relationship, or a loss of dwelling place. Who knows, maybe this loss might turn out to be a blessing. Who knows, maybe this attachment to self interest will weaken. And finally that is life's primary lesson. To sacrifice self interest.

The best sacrifice is the sacrifice of self interest. This is what regret reminds us.

Being obsessed with self interests causes enormous suffering. Although, we might intellectually delude ourselves that we have given up acting out of self interests, regret reminds us that this belief is not true.

Sometimes, selfless acts may also lead to slight regret. But eventually, it leads to liberation.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

All are already liberated

Every single being in this universe is already liberated.

There is absolutely no ignorance.

There is only liberation.

Even now, all beings are already liberated. When this truth is forgotten, that itself is ignorance and sorrow.

Misery arises

The most intense misery is to be aware of the existence of 'other people'.
The notion that there is a 'self' and there are 'others' i.e. not-self generates misery.

When One alone exists, from where does this notion of 'others' become so deep rooted?

It is in the stories that we tell ourselves that we create the notion of the existence and hence reality of other people. Yet I can only feel 'my' existence.

To whom does this notion of the existence of other people arise? The perception of diversity is itself misery.

To see the 'many' and forget the One is the root cause of every misery.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

One alone

Let us begin with the premise that One alone exists.

This means that there is only One. There is never in any sense two or more.
That means there cannot be a self and the world. For that means two separate things, self and world.

Thus, the One is neither the self nor the world.

That One must be formless. For form implies boundary, hence two i.e one inside and other outside.

Thus, the One is absolutely without form. Neither physical nor mental form.

There is thus no perceiver, no witness, no perceived.

Since there is no perceiver, there is nothing to perceive. Hence no space.

Can it have time then?

Time implies a consciousness of past. A sense of the passing of moments. A sense of memory of having a previous existence. Hence by inference, a future existence. If there is a sense of past, i.e memory of previous existence. Infact, the absence of time cannot even be conceived. For any conception requires time. But, if there is only One and time as well, then there must be memory as well. But since there is only One, there cannot be memory. Hence there is no time. Hence no conception of beginning and ending. Since there is no memory, there is no identity. Since there is no time, there is no change. Hence there is no cause and effect. There is hence no creation. No experience.

At this point, it becomes difficult to go further. The One is pure existence itself. Absolute presence. With no conception of any identity, past, or concept. No cause. No self. Absolute doubtless existence.

Time and space can only exist outside it, yet there is no outside. Thus time and space are mere illusions. Having no reality. Only appearances which appear real only in ignorance. There is no cause for the appearance of time and space and the notion of a self.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Inner demons

Ok, lets face our inner demons:

1. I am a failure and will always remain a failure and die as a failure
2. I will lose the love of all my friends and relatives and people around
3. I am filled with malice and ill will even to the people close to me and this will eventually consume me
4. I am a self centered bastard. If people see through this, they will shun me.
5. I will remain dependent on other people all my life
6. I will remain without a proper job and a honorable profession
7. I desire to be the most powerful and glorious one whom all shall bow down to
8. I alone have a right to be enlightened
9. I am a worthless bastard with ambitions that far exceed my ability
10. I will die alone and lonely in complete isolation
11. I will spend my whole life living with my parents and will be ridiculed by society for being a complete failure

The 'I-thought'

Let us examine the sense of self or the feeling of being a 'me'.

At this moment, it seems as though there is a separate entity typing these words on a laptop.
There are thoughts passing through the 'mind' of this entity.

These thoughts keep changing every millisecond. From some unknown origin, these thoughts seem to arise and then disappear. The common element that binds these thoughts is known as the mind or the 'I-thought".

The 'I-thought' is the root thought which binds all these seemingly random thoughts into a coherent structure.

An existence of a separate entity or the 'Me' is assumed in order to establish a common link binding these thoughts like a chord of string binding the beads together.

But what gives rise to the 'I-thought'?

Rather is there an independent individual that exists apart from this 'I-thought'?

It appears that there is a body sitting on a chair typing these words. But for the mind, even the body would be unacknowledged. Hence it seems that the 'I-thought' is tied to the mind regardless of the presence or absence of the body. In fact the sensation of the body seems to be present whenever the 'I-thought' arises.

Thus, it seems that the sense of self is tied to the I-thought rather than the body. The body seems to be the condensed form of the 'I-thought'.

So the question then arises, from where does the 'I-thought' arise?

Looking for the source of the 'I-thought', nothing can be found.

Does this indicate that the 'I-thought' has no source or that one is simply unable to find it?

Who infact is trying to find the source of the 'I-thought'? Is it the 'I-thought' itself?
How can the 'I-thought' find its own source?

Anything can only be found by an 'I-thought'. The very notion of finding the source is something that only the 'I-thought' can indulge in. So, it seems that try as you might, there is no going beyond the 'I-thought'.

Being the first thought how can it go beyond itself? And who else other than the 'I-thought' can ever attempt to 'go beyond' All attempts to do or know something has to have an 'I-thought' who is the doer or the knower?

So, we reach a point beyond which it is simple impossible to proceed. So what can be done now?
This is the fundamental paradox of the 'I-thought'. It simply cannot go beyond itself?

At this point the 'I-thought' has to accept defeat. The self is inevitably defeated the moment it tries to go beyond itself. Even the notion of a 'Creator' lies within the 'I-thought'. Since the 'I-thought' is incapable of finding its source, it has to accept that its source or cause does not exist. Without any cause thus, the 'I-thought' itself cannot not exist.

Hence, there is no cause for the 'I-thought'. This means that the 'I-thought' itself does not exist.
This means that the self itself does not exist. It is only an appearance, like the appearance of a desert mirage.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The self and the world

The witness and the witnessed are interdependent.
One cannot exist without the other.

The sense of being an independent observer is dependent on there being an external world being observed.
On removal of either one, the other will automatically perish.

Thus as long as there is a world to be seen, a seer will simultaneously exist.

Have you noticed that all thoughts that you have are about the relationship between yourself and the world?

If the sense of 'I am' is strong, so will the sense of the significance of the world.
Strengthen either one and the other automatically grows in strength. And when the world grows in strength, it becomes overwhelming for the 'I am'.

Both the 'I am' sense and the 'external world' arise from the same source. This source is to be realized.

But in this source, there is neither 'I am' nor the 'external world'.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mental purification

As we grow in life experience, we realize that the milestones which we thought would lead to happiness and peace on accomplishing were mere illusions.

We complete our schooling. Graduate with a degree. Secure a job. Yet, we are discontent.
Yet, we live in turmoil.
Yet, misery still does not leave us.

At this point, we realize that no earthly milestone will ever result in final happiness. Even a king is miserable.

True happiness lies in the destruction of the mind. This is what the sages say.

As long as the mind lasts, misery will last.

Unless the mind is purified of all impurities, no peace can be found.

Liberation is to purify the mind by destroying the impurities which have attached themselves to the mind.

Such an impure mind itself is bondage.

The impure mind itself is fear and suffering.

Purification of the mind alone will confer lasting peace.

This is liberation. So say the great sages.

As long as we continue to fill the mind with impurities, we make it very hard to perceive truth.
Unless truth is perceived, misery will not end.
Only a pure mind is capable of perceiving truth. Infact, it is said that such a pure mind is itself the truth.

To purify the mind, remove all malice. Malicious thoughts and ill will are a very dense impurity.
Attachment to sensual pleasures are another impurity.

Let us think ill of no one. Let us wish ill for none. A mind filled with ill will and malice is always in turmoil.
To rid yourself of ill will, an antidote is needed. This antidote is to desire liberation for the one for whom malice arises. Selfless service is antidote for clinging to selfish desire.

What often prevents us from helping others is selfish desire. We believe that by helping another, our selfish desires may not be attained. Selfish desire and malice thus go hand in hand. Ultimately realize that truth is all there is. This truth is who you are at all times. This is already so. It is only your selfishness which prevents you from realizing this.

Since ages, it has been said that Brahman is the ultimate reality. There is nothing else. Still, you want to cling to this small body and impure mind. Renounce the desire. Clean up the mind. And realize the truth.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Liberation from the mind

What is most fundamental is not our external circumstatnces.

The most fundamental is our state of mind.

And even more is awareness of being.

To be aware is to be awake.

When one is awake, all delusions are destroyed.

To control the mind is the greatest achievement.

To destroy the mind is the supreme liberation.

Mind turmoil

Thoughts are continuously spewed by the mind like vapor from boiling water. Incessantly this mind works and keeps spewing thoughts.

Thoughts being like vapor and completely ungraspable cannot be dealt with. And this creates tremendous turmoil.

It is impossible to deal with the mind. One might as well try to punch a hole through space.

Desire is what fuels the mind. Desire is the fuel for the mind.

When desire is absent, the mind is quiet.

A quiet mind itself is liberation.

To believe in the reality of the world creates desire.

Remove this notion that the world is real.

One alone exists.

Consciousness itself is the world.

Ignorance of this is the sole cause of turmoil.

Friday, April 11, 2014


One tiny thought is all it takes and finally you find yourself overwhelmed with it.

Like a snowball rolling down a steep slope, once set into motion, it keeps growing onto itself and eventually consumes the mind.

Treat every small thought with caution else it becomes and obsession.

There is no escape from obsession.

It can lead to ruin.

The only cure is to seek refuge.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The only thing that matters in the end is love.

Love is the purpose of life.

The absence of love is the only darkness.

Without love, even to exist would be a burden.

Non-existence is preferable to the absence of love.

Love alone matters.

If there is God and if there is any meaning to life, it can only be Love.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Pure consciousness alone

I would like to remind all of us about this central truth:

No matter what the external circumstances in life, I am Pure Consciousness alone.

I am neither body nor mind

I am Pure Consciousness.

Just be aware of this alone.

That is all. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Let us discuss the mind today.

If you have ever observed the mind, it will be noticed that there is always some thought passing through.
If you are reading this, some thoughts are passing through the mind.

Have you ever been conscious of no thought at all. It seems that even 'no-thought' is also a thought.

To have 'no-thoughts', you need to first have a thought about it. It is indeed strange that when ever you go looking for the mind, all that is found is only a thought.

Thoughts always passing by. Some thoughts are so dense, they seem like a real condition. It is forgotten that it is only a thought. For example: One may think that 'I am a failure', and forget that this is just a thought. "I am a failure' is not a real condition. Infact, the mind or thoughts do not deal with real conditions. 'Real condition' itself is a thought.

So, if we go a little deeper, we find that all we are really dealing with here are merely thoughts. We never deal with anything directly. To think of something is to create it at that instant.

So, then the thought comes that 'I am tormented by thoughts'. Is this real or also merely a thought?

It is very easy to forget that all we ever deal with are merely thoughts. Not reality. Or whatever that is.

Infact, this entire process that we are going through is also another thought.

So then the question arises that is it possible to ever go beyond thought?

'Am I capable of ever going beyond thought?' Note that this is also a thought.

So it seems that our situation is futile and no matter how hard we try, we cannot escape the confines of thought.

But this itself is also a thought. So then the thought occurs, 'To whom do these thoughts occur?' Or 'Who is the 'I' to whom these thoughts occur?' 'Who am 'I'?'

Notice one thing, wherever a thought is present, an 'I' is also present.

So who is this 'I' to whom the thoughts occur?

At this point, it is impossible to say anything. If the 'I' is just a thought, nothing more can be said.

One alone is.



If the One that IS is already perfect and is untouched by anything happening in the world, then there is absolutely no need to change anything about yourself.

Your being an evil person is of absolutely no consequence to the Absolute one.

The One remains always as One. And in this lies the perfect redemption of every sin even before it is committed.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Choice and suffering

Sometimes, out of the blue, regret hits you.

Regret over past actions.

Regret over bad choices.

Truly, having to make choices is to live in misery.

Choice = suffering

To eliminate suffering, eliminate choices.
Realize that things are exactly as they are supposed to be.

Make peace with all your choices, even the pathetic ones!

The possibility of making the wrong choice and the assumption of having made one are the two factors capable of causing enormous mental agony.

To cope with this, one has to stick to one's choices which have already been made.

Avoid being in a position where you have to choose.

Ultimately, there is neither a right nor a wrong choice.

Free will and choice are causes of great suffering.

Accept your position in life.

Accept your circumstances in life.

Accept all the 'wrong' choices you made.

Create a routine. This reduces restlessness.

Ultimately, in truth, there is no 'choice' to be made.

A desire

All that I now desire is this:

To have a permanent solitary place to meditate.

Without having to bother about what to do, where to go, whom to meet etc.

A fixed dwelling place until the body dies.

No more traveling to different places. No more jumping jobs and careers.

No more anxieties about the future.

No more restlessness of mind.

Enough of all the comings and goings.

All that I now care about is to have a permanent solitary dwelling place. Nothing else matters.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spiritual addiction

Ultimately, one realizes the futility of all external teachings. They are helpful until a point. Once that point is crossed, they can become a source of attachment and therefore a hindrance.

Spiritual addiction is as bad as material addiction. Too much poring over spiritual literature is also a form of ignorance.

It has been said that no enquiry is possible into the self.

Ultimately, the Self remains as itself at all times.

There is no one there to realize this.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Self inherence

As you progress in life, you realize that ultimately, only one thing matters.

Inhereing in the Self.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The activities of life prevent the realization of a central fact.

That this world is not real.

Give up clinging to your tasks and activities.

You will realize the great void that lies at the heart of exixtence.

Clinging to activities and relationships is merely to take our attention away from this fact.

Deep within this void, the one lies awake and unseen.

To realize this one is to end suffering once and for all.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The One

In it, there is no body.

In it, there is no food.

In it, there is no sex.

In it, there is no sleep.

In it, there are no dreams.

In it, there is no work.

In it, there is no desire.

In it, there is no inertia.

In it, there are no worlds.

In it, there is no relationship.

In it, there are no causes.

In it, there is no sound.

In it, there is no thought.

In it, there is no universe.

In it, there is no God.

In it, there is no activity.

In it, there is no knowledge.

In it, there is no money.

In it, there is no mother.

In it, there is no father.

In it, there is no fear.

In it, there is no cause.

In it, there is no other.

In it, there is no person.

In it, there is no 'I'.

One alone Is.


Your body is what you eat.

Your spirit is what you think.

Give up therefore all unclean food and unclean thought.

Reduce consumption of dead meats. Give up all red meat.

Reduce intake of chicken and fish.

Unclean thoughts are thoughts of malice.

Give up therefore all malicous thoughts.

Desire ill for none.

Bless all.

Clean food and clean thoughts are most important to purify the body and mind.

Only a pure mind and body is capable of peace.

Impure thoughts will never result in peace.

Once thought is purified, body also follows suit.

Friday, March 21, 2014


Detachment is of supreme importance in order to remain peaceful.

Sometimes, even actions which emerge out of good intentions can result in bondage.

Remain detached, but do not lose compassion.

Remain attached to neither the world nor awareness.

Remain content in solitude.

Be at peace with your self.

There is no need for relationship.

There is no need for security.

Attachment to actions breeds misery.

Selfish action results in suffering.

Let us worship the One reality which alone exists.

May supreme peace be yours.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mistakes and redemption

You may commit many mistakes in your life.

Let them go.

Accept it. It cannot be changed.

Do not let malice enter your heart.

Be liberated.

Live as one liberated.

Be true to who you are.

Know thyself.

Live with awareness.

Peace be upon you, whoever you are and whatever condition you are in.

It is my desire that you live in peace, no matter what your present situation.

This is my wish for you.