Friday, May 31, 2013


We are fundamentally alone. Nothing in life actually makes any sense.We need activity to keep us occupied. Otherwise the futility of life becomes obvious to us. What keeps us in the game is hope. Hope of a better future. Hope of future enjoyment. It is the only thing which makes the present pain endurable. What if that hope is removed. Life is exactly how it is at this moment. Life is as it is right now forever. Salvation lies in this very instant. It is the restlessness of the mind that deludes us. Immerse deeply within yourselves.Have you ever considered the actuality that you are not who you think you are?

Life is not supposed to be a joy ride. This world of appearances cannot give lasting happiness or peace. Stop seeking it here. Stop the mind. Just STOP. That is all.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


This is the crux of suffering - the desire to please others.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A simple life

Sometimes we start underestimating the absence of major issues in our life. A simple life free of many trivial issues is something to be grateful for. Yes, it might get boring sometimes. And lonely too. But remember that boredom and loneliness are not bad. Still the mind and they disappear. It is the mind which creates boredom and loneliness. The mind cannot remain for long in a non-seeking state. It is when the mind is very quiet, when very few thoughts are seen to arise but not followed, when a deep stillness engulfs that Peace engulfs.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Absolute Peace

The world is created by mental activity. It is the activity of the mind that causes the world to arise. Stop the mind and you stop the world. This is Absolute Peace.


Life can get turbulent at times. Sometimes we do not act in calm. We act out of urgency and desperation. This can create inner turmoil. Sometimes we face boredom which can also create inner turmoil. Idleness seems very good when you are extremely busy. But let it last for a long time and that very idleness becomes a curse. We are like helpless logs being churned relentlessly by the currents of life. Amidst all our acts, not all perfect and all the guilt's and all our regrets and all broken relationships it gets really turbulent. Sometimes we think we are going insane. Action and inaction can both lead to despair. Hence there is no redemption in either action or inaction. It does not matter whether you act or do not. Peace lies in neither action nor inaction.

But there is a stillness that transcends both action and inaction. Amidst great turbulence, there is always a stillness present. This needs no effort to attain or maintain. This does not need the approval of the world. This does not need the presence of either action or inaction. It is untouched by both. This stillness is not inaction. This stillness is not idleness. This stillness is not of this world. It is not idleness or inaction. Without action and work, there can be no inaction and idleness. This stillness needs neither. To take refuge in idleness and inaction is not what is pointed. Both work and idleness, action and inaction are equal. You cannot achieve stillness or peace through inaction or idleness. It is futile to seek refuge from action in inaction. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither action nor inaction can lead to salvation. So why seek idleness? Why do you engage in inaction hoping to achieve peace there? In truth there is neither action nor inaction. Stop seeking inaction. Stop seeking idleness. No outward action can lead to truth. Stillness transcends both action and inaction. Neither in activity nor in rest will you find it. It is the activity of the mind that creates the world. Stop the mind and you stop the world. Here is Absolute Peace.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life and loss

Imagining that we are immune to some bad occurence, or imagining that something can happen only to others and not ourselves is one of our biggest follies and this is especially where life delivers its hardest blows. There is nothing which happens to others which cannot happen to you at some point. No matter how proudly you imagine yourself to be immune to certain calamities in life, life always likes to prove otherwise. Bad things happen to good people because good people imagine that bad can only happen to other bad people and that they are immune from it and thus believe that it cannot happen to them

Watching somethings happen to others and believing that because our nature is not like theirs, we are immune from it is a big illusion and one that is especially shattering when disillusionment occurs. Do not imagine that undesirable things cannot happen to you.

So also is the reverse. Most of the bad things which you imagined could easily happen to you never did happen actually. Life always hits hardest at the point of your biggest pride. Do not be so proud and believe that you are immune to failure. Unless you want to be disillusioned.

Accept that life is unpredictable and it can strike hardest when you least expect it to. Do not live in an illusory world of safety. Recognize that the world is dangerous and must be treated with respect. You never know where and when it will strike. Always be alert. This is the best road to safety. But if you are brash, you will get hit. And when it hits, it hurts bad. Do not believe that you are above the law. Always take precautions. If you were an attacker, you would only strike the most guillible fool who imagines that no harm could come to him. Experience is a harsh teacher. The best way to avoid it is to imagine that it could easily happen and take precautions.

Imagine that you could easily lose all your wealth in a single instant.
Imagine that all your worldly possessions could be burnt in a jiffy.
Imagine that you could easily lose all your health in a single instant.
Imagine that you could easily lose your mind.
Imagine that every scary thing you hear and imagine could easily happen to you.
Death could strike any minute.
Loss could strike any minute.
Suffering could strike any minute.
Life is a long lesson in loss. As you get older, you lose more and more.
Ultimately all that could be lost, you could easily lose. This is true humility and even this could be lost.

We live in a world where loss is constantly pursuing us. There is no escape from this reality. Ignoring this reality could prove costly. Be aware of loss. This is the real gain.

Yes, there is no real peace as long as we live. Attaining peace is the biggest illusion. Accept that life will be painful. Life is not easy. Life is the harshest of all teachers. Ignoring the limitations of the physical world will only cause great pain. And might prove to be very costly. Embrace loss. Embrace death. Embrace humiliation. Embrace suffering. Embrace fear. This is serenity.

Stop living in a fantasy world. Life is real. Death is real. Pain is real. Suffering is real. Stop denying and accept reality. This is truly the peace of God.

Sometimes, the consequences of our ignorance can follow us for a lifetime. A moment of ignorance is enough to cause a loss of great proportions. But we must be willing to endure hell if it comes. Know that there will always be losses in life.

Realizing that all things can be lost will result in calm detachment but not negligence.
Do not neglect health but realize that it can be lost.
Do not neglect money but realize that it can be lost.
Do not neglect reputation but realize that it can be lost.
Make the most of it while it lasts or you will regret losing it.
Loss is the name of the game. And death is the final loss.

People will use you. People do not have good intentions. People are selfish. People are cruel. And so are you. It is foolish to expect people to be good if you are good. It is foolish to expect people not to steal if you don't. Since loss is real, use it wisely. Learn from it. Stop expecting the world to change. The world is a piece of shit. And we all die in the end. All that is yours to choose is how you react. Accept your fate. Accept the pain of life with a smile.

Accepting the harshness of life brings great despair. But the point is to endure it. Believing otherwise takes you into darker despair. This may take a lifetime to realize. But whenever the darkness gets too hard to endure, remember death. Paradixically, it is life's greatest gift.