Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Veil of desire

Desire is the veil which covers the ever present truth. Lust is the permanent foe of truth. When you give in to lust, you lose yourself totally. All that you desire now is the next fix and this desire is unquenchable.

It all begins with a mental image. It ends in destruction of intelligence.

It is desire for pleasure that keeps you held within the dream.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Limitation of physical law

All physical laws are fundamentally limited by the speed of light.
In order to transcend this limitation, we will have to enter the realm of the metaphysical.

The analogue of physical force in the metaphysical becomes desire.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

a thought..

It seems as though the purpose of all my mind created experience has been to convince me of the misery created by the belief in a separate existence, apart from others.


A central fact of our existence is this deep feeling of isolation and disconnect. We feel very deeply disconnected from the world around us. We feel separate from others. We feel as though no one will ever love us. We feel as though we will end up living alone without a companion or close friend all through life. This is especially true for loners like myself.

In our minds, we imagine other people to be having a ball. We imagine other people to be so happy and loved and cared for while we languish alone in our own isolation. This feeling of separation casts a huge burden on us. Infact, it has been the central fact of my life. The feeling of being separate from life and the people around me has dominated most of the moments of my life. This feeling has given rise to the desire for companionship. But will the appearance of a companion eliminate this fundamental feeling of isolation?

Why do we feel so separate from other people? Why do we feel the need to stay in our own caves and avoid any interaction with the outside world? Why do we choose to remain reclusive? At this moment, there are so many people who are feeling separate. There are people who feel lonely even in a relationship, which can be even worse than the loneliness of being alone. Can the presence or care of another person permanently extinguish the feeling of isolation? We are each alone inside our own minds. Sometimes, we form communities or create group activities in order to foster connection among people. But each of us ultimately returns to our own internal worlds where we are essentially alone.

Imagine being in a loving relationship. There are moments of connection wherein you forget yourself and experience bliss. But this feeling does not last for long. All of us, no matter who, ultimately has to face the fact of our own aloneness. We are fundamentally alone. Effort has to be made to connect with others. Effort has to be made to maintain a relationship. But our natural state is solitary. We have no choice in this regard. Can we really depend on the outside world to end our feeling of isolation at its most fundamental level?

Loneliness combined with boredom can be an excruciating experience. To endure it for extended periods of time can have drastic effects on the mind. It can affect your thinking. But what here is the remedy? What is it about our existence that causes this fundamental sense of isolation?

If you were the only person in the world, you would not know what loneliness was. Every where around us, we see people enjoying each others company. We see lovers embracing and experiencing contentment. We see friends chatting and having fun. Everywhere around us, we see people enjoying each other. This is then compared to our internal state of feeling isolated. We compare our state 'lonely' with their 'happy' state. This further enhances our sense of isolation. We see that other people are so busy enjoying each other that they do not notice how separate we are feeling from their enjoyment. We start beliving that other people do not care about us and are only interested in enjoying each others company. This is a feedback loop which strengthens itself and leads to increased feelings of isolation.

So, it seems that the cause of the feeling of isolation is witnessing the insensitivity and uncaring attitude others who are busy enjoying each other and do not want us to be a part of them. This world then is perceived as uncaring and insensitive. If there were no other people, there would be no loneliness. So, it is the perceived behavior of others that is responsible for causing the sense of isolation in us. No one can look into our heads and see what we are thinking. Our thoughts are opaque. As long as our thoughts are opaque, we will feel separate.

Do not expect care from the world. Do not expect anyone to see your thoughts and know your feelings. True relationship can only happen when thoughts are not distinct. This world is designed to broadcast separation. As long as you live in this world, you will feel separate. Even the people that you perceive as enjoying each other is just a mirage. An illusion. Believing this illusion causes you to feel separate. Do not be fooled by appearances. We all belong to the same source. This is our true home. It is only here that we will lose separation. All your feelings of isolation come from having forgotten your source and believing in appearance. Know where you come from and you will never feel separate.

Burden of identity

Living alone, sometimes the company with yourself alone gets too hard to endure. Sometimes, all we need is an escape from ourselves. To get away from the person that is 'me'. Being all by yourself is not always a pleasure. There is a feeling, a deep feeling to escape the confines of this person. To be free from identity. To be relieved of the burden of being me. To run away from myself. Nothing seems to be working. It seems that I am stuck with this person for the rest of my life.

The moments in life which take you away from yourself are heavenly. I think the serenity prayer should be to ask God to 'Save us from ourselves'.

Friday, April 19, 2013

A thought

Death is life's greatest blessing. It is excessive concern with ourselves that is the root of all misery.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Stress relief

So what is responsible for all the stress that we feel? The answer turns out to be a hormone called cortisol. Excessive secretion of this hormone by the body generates stress and anxiety. This needs to be released somehow and the most natural way is the 'Fight or Flight' approach. In order to reduce stress, we must reduce the secretion of cortisol. Turns out that there are many ways a few of which are deep breathing, exercise, music, laughter and social contact and sleep.

One of the side effects of social isolation is the increased secretion of cortisol. That maybe the reason why isolation so frequently produces feelings of despair. Walking and breathing can be a deep source of relaxation in these times when human contact is not readily available.

Keep your attention on breath. Slow it down. This is the easiest practice to lower cortisol. And the most basic spiritual practice prescribed by all religions. Breath is also what lies at the heart of meditation. This is the secret link to the stillness inside. The link is breath. It is through breath that we enter the residence of God. Peace.


When the feeling of romantic love strikes you, it can be overwhelming to the extent that nothing else matters. Every mundane issue and worldly concerns  become irrelevant. Only the tremendous rush of emotion consumes your entire being. Nothing matters but the beloved. And being with the beloved. All moments of separation are pure angst.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Do not place your security in relationships. All relationships go through continuous change. No relationship ever stays the same. Any relationship which becomes hugely important for you will cause great suffering.
Relying on relationships to give you serenity and peace of mind will not work because no relationship is ever permanent. You must stop relying on impermanent things for peace. Find instead that steady, ever-present always available stillness inside. This deep inner stillness is the residence of God. This is the source of all true peace. All serenity comes from this deep inner place of stillness. God is still. Only God is real. This place is not touched by any relationship, but is more intimate than all relationships. This place of deep silence can be relied upon when all else fails.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Living alone

What is it that is so hard about living alone? Why do we crave human company? Maybe we need our existence to be acknowledged by another. Someone who is aware of our existence. Without another person acknowleding it, we cannot acknowledge our own existence.

Feeling disconnected from the world causes great misery. Maybe this is why people turn evil. Enduring social isolation is hard.

We feel that living alone means death. But let us consider this for a moment...what is the fundamental state to be in? Is it solitude or companionship? Maybe companionship is something that makes us appreciate our solitude even more. Yes, it is not easy to endure living alone. There are many fears and anxieties that will strike. The greatest of them is the fear of death. But what really lies at the other end of this fear? What lies underneath the fear of death? Take a deep breath.Stop for a while.

Come back to awareness. Come home to stillness. Your fear is engulfed.

Do not be afraid of showing your light to the world. To lighten up peoples lives. To spread love. There is no purpose greater than this.

Th shine the light of love into a dark world. This is the purpose of our lives, if there be a purpose. There are far too many people caught up in darkness. There are too many people who are craving for love. Find this love within first. Then help people find theirs. Let us spread some light. We who are aware of how heavy things can get, let us lighten up lives. Join us!


I am reclusive by nature. Always seeking to be inside my cave and avoid interacting too much with the outside world. Maybe I have become an escapist. Sometimes I do not feel the need for social interaction. But take it too far and this escapism turns on itself and becomes fear. Fear of death. A very deep fear. Is this why we spend so much of our time running around in activity? Are we afraid that to stop means to die? At the heart of existence lies a deep void. A vast emptiness. Face it. Let us live from the very heart of existence. Where it is always still. Like the deep ocean. Calm, still and profound. Untouched by any activity. Is this really death? Unless we face it, we will never know.

Let us go deep into ourselves. And then in that profound stillness, discover who we really are.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Darkness engulfs you and makes you aware of your own aloneness. Watching inward, you realize that the world does not care. Alone within your reality, you start to see your own flaws and realize that you are a flawed being. You have pushed the world away, and now you believe that the world too has pushed you away. You are now in deep darkness. Alone. Completely alone. What exists in this darkness? Nothing.