The only thing that you need to cultivate in life is the certainty of existence.
The feeling of isness.
Existence exists.
This certainty can take you across every situation and tragedy that you might face.
The only thing that matters
The only thing that you need to cultivate in life is the certainty of existence.
The feeling of isness.
Existence exists.
This certainty can take you across every situation and tragedy that you might face.
Life does not need money to survive.
Life is what's happening.
And it needs no money to keep happening.
You are not separate from Life.
What can you do this very moment to heal from all your troubles and worries?
Simply recognize that nothing needs to be done.
Since you are aligned with reality and not an independent entity.
Recognize indivisibility.
Recognize wholeness.
Recognize what is.
Recognize it right now.
It is already the case.
No future attainment is needed.
Right now is redemption.
The human brain is a categorization machine.
It categorizes stuff into buckets.
Categorization is abstraction.
Language is categorization.
Duality is abstraction.
Finally, what is it that really matters?
When you are close to death.
What is the last refuge?
Wealth is useless.
Health is failing.
Relationships cannot save you.
Career is gone.
Beliefs cannot help.
Fear arises.
All that you have is this moment.
This very moment.
Now. Now. Now.
No thought.
Now. Now. Now.
Terror arises.
Now. Now. Now.
Now. Now. Now.
Now. Now. Now.